I read. Probably not enough. I research. Sometimes too little. And I observe. Most definitely too much. I can suffer from paralysis of analysis and internal bias. But I do try to understand before I take any action. I do not hold my retorts for the convenient headline or propagandized thumbnail clickbait highlighted at the top of news articles. I actually read more than one or two paragraphs of the article, story or book before I reply. Could be a reason I have been asked my opinion on the current issues at hand. So here’s the thing.
I disagree with the self-righteous, chest thumping condemnations my friends on the left have for the defenders of Second Place against his impeachment. True, I believe he has abused the powers of his office since the day he was elected. I find Second Place contemptible, despicable and a real time threat to the nation. But I do not expect his defenders to abandon their positions to what the left perceives as irrefutable evidence. In this country, every man, every woman, every idea has the right to a defense.
We do not demand a public defender swear to the guilt of a client before they are assigned their duty. Nor do we limit the tools at their disposal for the defense of that client. If all evidence is presented and it is overwhelmingly in favor of the prosecutor, the defense demands other options be used. If all that is available is standing on the table and yelling, then I as the defendant want a very loud and very accomplished tap dancer. I want them singing at the top of their lungs and dancing as if the devil is at their heels. It is the defenses duty to place doubt on the evidence and raise questions as to authenticity. It is not their duty to remain staid, unmoved and grim. It is definitely not their duty or position to concede defeat.
But are they defending only to defend? Or is there an idea to guard and preserve? Second Place may be reprehensible as a human being but may be fighting and winning the war the right has long fought. After all, many accused Grant of being a drunk during the Civil War, but his actions defeated six Confederate armies and captured three. Proving it does not take a choir boy to win wars or nations. Maybe the true heroes are rapscallions and ne’er do wells.
If Second Place is winning a war, we must ask what war is he winning? We on the left see no such gain? There are no flags of victory flying over the detritus that is his administration. Confusion, distrust, lies and rampant corruption seem to be his legacy or actions. What then in the fog of this scandal is being won?
To understand, the left has to, well, quit be so damn judgmental and pious. There is and has been a battle of ideas between the sides for years, if not decades, centuries and millennia. The left has not won those battles in the last four decades, to the dismay of the true believers, nor will we ever be completely victorious.
One of the oldest arguments has been the extent of governmental interference in daily lives. The regulations that guide our building inspections, food inspections, water services, land use and many various other regular and frequent barriers to free enterprise. The right to choose how we worship, who we listen to, and what we read without disclaimers and equal time. The right to choose what is right for ourselves without a lecture on the various evils of self-indulgence.
Another argument is the strict use of federal government taxes for those items defined in the Constitution of the United States. They are not to be used to better the lives of the poor, disabled or elderly. The United States government is not supposed to provide medical services, social security or food services to these folks either. These are jobs for the states, local charities, or religious institutions.
Abortion is another frequent cause of the right, or rather anti-abortions. Freedom to buy, use and sell guns is another. And the right to worship the Christian God in all venues without restrictions or bowing to other religious equivalencies. Gays, guns and God. The mantra of the right. They are still clinging to its siren song.
Most importantly those supporting Second Place are tired of being the world’s policeman. They want to have the government of the United State concentrate on the United States not other countries or other countries citizens. They have watched as job after job has moved to foreign countries and those that are left behind have become mechanized. Their incomes have been reduced, fallen flat or they have had to engage in more than one profession to make ends meet. These feelings translate into anger at the endless wars, opposition to immigration and a nationalism that hasn’t been seen in over 70 years.
I can hear the left screaming in frustration at these revelations. They asked how in the world does the right believe this waste of a human being has accomplished any of these goals? What battles has he won? But the retort is; hasn’t he won on these very fundamental issues? Under Second Place the United States has either reduced or stalled any current engagements in foreign wars. Under Second Place no new foreign engagements have taken place. In fact we have retreated from many of the political and internal conflicts we would normally engage in across the world. We are currently reducing our primary involvement in the oldest alliance in the world, NATO, and refusing to grow our personal investment.
In abortion issues the United State government is no longer actively involving itself in suits or actions against the states or their laws. While not actively encouraging anti-abortion laws, not opposing them in states has allowed many highly restrictive abortion laws to be enacted. The appointment of a slew of conservative judges including ones to the Supreme Court ensures more favorable rulings on keeping these laws intact.
Gun laws, in the face of rising violence on our selves and our children, remain mostly non-existent with minimal government interference. Cuts have been made in supplemental food programs (food stamps to most of you). Major cuts are being contemplated in Social Security and Medicare. They are working to repeal the Affordable Care Act through the newly conservative courts since they could not accomplish the same in the legislature. Legal immigration has been reduced from 100,000 per year to less than 30,000 per year.
The simple point is that as far as Second Place is concerned, whether the ideals or good for us or not, he is succeeding in implementing the right’s agenda. He is doing so in spite of strong opposition, court fights, internal barriers, and legal barriers. Even his own party couldn’t stop him. He just blunders along and in effect he is “winning” so much we are getting tired of it.
Even his ham-handed remedial tweets, humiliating mockeries, exhausting tantrums and constant fighting with everyone from children to dictators is seen as a plus on the right. He is viewed as taking on the ‘deep state’ or ‘entrenched politicians’. Our constant squeals of disgust are not horrific concerns of justice, dignity or honor to the right, but the screams of the entrenched establishment in their final throes of death. The right finally have a true champion unafraid to battle the norms, legal barriers and decorum built to ensure our compliance in a civilized world. Second Place is tearing down these walls built to contain us and our country.
But his actions are wrong, they hurt the United States, they hurt our allies, they don’t bring back jobs, and they allow our children to be killed at school you say. To the right these arguments, as always, fall on deaf ears. They don’t believe the left. They think the left is wrong. The right believes if we get full implementation of their policies, the world and especially our country will be better in the long run. Second Place in spite of all his foibles knows this and he must be protected. Because no one has ever succeeded in implementing the rights agenda as much as Second Place. Even if he is just thrashing around at least he is trying to make this country as it should be.
So when you ask yourself again and again, why? Why this piece of garbage? Why support him? Why do you think he is winning; we are winning when so much is going wrong? Take a moment to understand that for decades this country has gone through multiple changes social, political and globally. Many changes that the right did not want nor were consulted. They have been forced through legislation, court orders and events beyond their control to accept these changes. They have a chance through the unlikeliest of heroes to reverse these changes and they, for the love of their country, are going to take it whether you like it or not.
Trump to them is no more than a ‘Tony Stark’ of comic book fame. An errant playboy with a sordid past who has reformed to save the world. The right can forgive all if he implements their long-sought changes. In our losses they and Second Place are winning. For us to reverse this course, to return our country and the world to the sanity we envision this concept must be understood. Then when we win, and for our future we must, we have to include those now in opposition in the decisions and the reasons for our changes. Not force them upon them. Or we will forever be one election away from chaos and extinction.
Douglas Courtney
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