Christmas Stories
Each year Doug creates a Christmas a short story. Many are posted online here for your reading pleasure. Why not take a moment and read one?
Halloween Stories
Doug started telling Halloween stories around the fire during "Trick or Treat" time to have some fun.
Online Novels
Doug writes full novels. Many fiction, some non-fiction. One is published here for your reading enjoyment.
Christmas Stories 
Her Santa 2024
His being Santa was her idea. Even when he didn't know. She always loved the joy he gave.
What Remains (2021)
How does Grandpa ensure a lasting
Christmas for his new granddaughter?
When Jesus, Mary, and
Joseph come in to your
life do you believe
or do you know?
Santa's Ramp
She's alone. Her young husband is at the VA and needs a ramp to come back to her.
Belief 2023
Keeping the Christmas Spirit in the hardest of times. Remembering, loving, sharing.
A Very Merry COVID Christmas (2020)
A plague. No human
contact. What's a
Santa supposed to
do to spread cheer?
Santa in the Toaster (2017)
Finding Santa helps you find Christmas. Sometimes he is where you least expect him.
A Little Faith
Times get tough. Some Christmases are very hard to forget. It is then when you need a little faith.
Need A Little Christmas (2011)
What do people do when they lose everything and the town votes to end Christmas?
That Old Santa Hat 2022
Preparing for the rest of your life after she leaves. Remembering, loving, sharing.
The Christmas Box (2019)
Remembering the true
meaning of Christmas
begins with the
Christmas Spirits.
Bringing Christmas (2016)
You must to learn to give Christmas before you can get Christmas.
A Christmas for Vicky (2013)
A woman alone wants to remember her brother and have her child. It takes a family.
Jean's Tree
Keeping Christmas alive when everything is lost. You have to have faith it will get better.
The Witch's Passing 2024
A Powerful witch dies. Other's seek her power
Sleeping With The Dead 2023
A house stuck in time. A dead woman on a bed.
One desperate man.
Evil Comes Again (2022)
Every year she battles evil. Will her granddaughter be cursed as well?
The Dark Shaman(2021)
Will finding the Dark Shaman heal
the tribe's wounds?
The Temple of the Lost Goddess (2020)
A Witch and a Warlock. Forbidden Love.
Forbidden child.
Imelda's Curse (2019)
Love gets its revenge, only love can break the curse.
The Devil's Feast (2018)
The Devil needs his due
and they will continue
to feast until he gets it.
The Witch's Ghost (2017)
A cursed witch. Her ghost and Vodoo Treasure. It doesn't get better.
A Witch's Power (2016)
Death is no obstacle for a witch or her ghost. But coming of age is difficult
Two Witch's (2014)
A lost child soon to be a full fledged witch. Why should two witches even care?
Blood Canvas (2015)
New Orleans Jackson Square artists are dying to paint the perfect picture.
She Waits (2013)
Does love ever really die? Love protects from the grave.
The Stranger (2012)
A curse that must be lifted to live in love.
(click on title to read story)
The Halloween Rose (2011)
Love never dies. So why not have a little fun on Halloween. Don't forget the rose!
St. Augustine Halloween (2009)
In old St. Augustine at the time of the Spanish
All Hallows Eve turns deadly
The Ghost at Old McMaster's Place (2005)
What do teenage kid's know about ghosts. More than they want to.
(click on title to read the story)