Welcome to Courtney Press!

This is a product of the imagination of Dr. Douglas Courtney. It is a small place in the vast universe and social networking apps where he can post his random thoughts, rants, and stories.
The site is not intended for anyone’s comfort save his own. He is a bit selfish like that. Dr. Courtney will write what he will, some comments may offend, some you may cheer. In either event it is hoped you may engage and gain some enjoyment for your time spent here.
A number of contributing authors offering opinions, insights, and observations may choose to add to this site. These authors may be pointedly opinionated or just offering a view of new places or events. In either way we encourage interaction but insist all comments be signed by the actual author. No hiding behind pseudonyms, false identities, or your mother’s skirts (or father’s. We don’t judge.) After all you should be willing to stand for your beliefs. The contributing authors are.
Comments are not posted until they are reviewed. So please, we don’t mind you calling someone a dimwitted fool, especially if you have the supporting proof. Just leave the profanity on your computer, phone or tablet. Have the decency to ensure your barb, wit, or zinger entertains as well as makes the point. After all we want your audience to be post-pubescent although many that read here may not be.
Above all Courtney Press will be a work constantly in progress as all good works are. We will add new stories, books, and even some crafts as we grow and evolve. Good friends may leave and then come back. But hopefully, Courtney Press will remain. Allowing you to look around each corner or shelf for that new item that excites and brings you back for more.
If you would like to reach us, please send us and email at dlcourtney@courtneypress.com. We will attempt to reply to your correspondence quickly.